Check out menu for class schedule, class registration form, discount opportunities
Check out menu for class schedule, class registration form, discount opportunities
Best Paw Forward Inc., 1835 Oak Haven Plantation RD, Osteen FL 32764 (see Menu above for directions - avoid Lake Ashby RD)
Sandy was one of the original founders of and a main instructor for Best Paw Forward Inc., its heart and soul. We invite you to celebrate he...
Best Paw Forward Inc., 1835 Oak Haven Plantation RD, Osteen FL 32764 (see Menu above for directions - avoid Lake Ashby RD)
As always free makeup sessions included when we mess up your schedule, & when you let us know in advance or have true emergencies.
One of the many things that sets us apart is that we like you & your dog, and are knowledgeable and passionate about helping both. You will learn more than some simple obedience tricks. Materials and programs include what to expect at what ages, how to improve puppy & adolescent dog behavior today and so much more.
We understand busy schedules, so we offer lots of convenient times. Small group classes teach dogs to behave when life is exciting, with just a few students at a time to share the close attention. You can even move to a different time with ease when your schedule changes, or if you need a free makeup or extra-help class! Free optional agility equpment introduction included
More than 50 years of training dogs means we have a lot of experience meeting your immediate needs in gentle ways. For instance, you can effectively train a few minutes at a time throughout your busy day. Extensive materials provided so you can jump ahead to get tips on your goals & your dog's specific needs right now.
Dog training based on trust & respect - small group & private classes. Great foundation for happy, friendly dogs
Cool countryside temperatures 5-10 degrees cooler than in town, soft breezes all day. Heavy rain or lightning send small-by-design classes inside home or training barn for real-life training opportunities!
Advanced skills dog-handler teams:
Mon. all-in-one class for advanced friendly dogs 6-9 p.m.: agility, obedience, rally, conditioning, occasional conformation tips
Drills, dog-friendly proofing
Lighted fenced training areas
Requires off-leash recall skills
Thurs. & Sat. mornings: agility 9 a.m., obedience/rally competition levels 10 a.m.
Dogs with serious behavioral & social issues welcome in Detour Doggie Delinquents personalized training & counseling programs. Separate times/days from other programs
Positive, gentle behavior modification techniques & obedience tricks help bitey, shy, nervous, territorial, anxious, bossy, over-protective dogs overcome unwanted behaviors such as separation anxiety & fear.
Private sessions or occasional small group options
For pups 8-18 weeks old at orientation.
Only one set of puppy shots before classes needed. Covers even more material than Basic Manners for older pups & dogs.
Easily manage jumping, barking, house training, chewing, stealing, coming when called etc. Free optional agility introduction
New to our program? Get free hand-crafted latigo leather leash ($30 value) with advance registration form submission & advance payment.
For friendly teenage & adult dogs (pups 18 weeks old & up)
Great start for family pets, therapy dogs, dog sports, show dogs, trick dogs etc.
New to program? Get free gentle custom training collar, hand-crafted latigo leather leash ($50 value) with advance registration form submission/payment. Free optional agility introduction
Free, safe, optional short intro to agility equipment included weekly with beginner classes for fun mental & physical development. Low heights for beginners, & of course extra low for safety & success with young dogs & pups
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